Tarot Supplies – Sulemani Hakik bracelet 8mm


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It is a powerful healer and is most beneficial for health problems.
Protects the wearer from evil eye and black magic
Renders the wearer with internal quietude and strength.
Beneficial in fighting stress.
Helps in maintaining contact with divine forces and enkindling spiritual awareness.
Balances the yin and yang, that is, the positive and negative energy.
Boosts self-confidence
Creates a body equilibrium which is specifically beneficial for aged people.
Brings good fortune and eliminates bad luck
Induces sleep and battles nightmares
Helps in digestion and improves metabolism
Heals muscle, joint and lymphatic pains.
Boosts sexual powers
Calms sexual tension and pulls a rein on marital disputes.
Helps in pregnancy and breast cancer.
Improves focus
Controls blood circulation and cures skin problems as well


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