Tarot Supplies – Peach Moonstone Bracelet – 8mm AAA quality


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A intense protection crystal this brings a very deep sense of being protected and especially during the change of energy dynamics at time of shift in moon energy. Besides it also has a typical property to bring unique calmness and composure when connected to. This crystal balances the energy flow and bring about a sense of being complete and accomplished, which in turn helps to reduce the stress and related thoughts of fire fight.

Moonstone is particularly effective for healing fertility related issues and hormonal imbalances. Generally it is considered very effective for healing pregnancy related issues be it pre pregnancy or post pregnancy. Moonstone can be of great help to calm down imbalances generated due to hormonal issues.

It could be effective for healing weight related issues and specially those who are suffering with water retention. You can use it to heal blood or nerves related issues. Primarily it is water element and driven by moon. Astrologically it is effective for people born under Zodiac sign of Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer & Scorpio. Effective for people born on 2nd, 11th or 20th of month.


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